Personal Injury

Should You Hire a Wrongful Death Attorney?
No one wants to contemplate the death of a loved one, and for good reason. The sense of loss can be unbearable and the death of a spouse, family member, friend or co-worker can be one of the most traumatic and stressful events any of us will face. It’s a blur of emotion, questions and […]

Who is Liable in a Company Vehicle Accident?
The Coronavirus pandemic has had wide-ranging effects on nearly every aspect of life in the U.S. One of those effects is that since the pandemic began nearly a year and half ago, businesses of all types have gone to remote work arrangements, reduced hours of operations or closed entirely. Of course, more businesses are now […]

Your Personal Injury Case Can’t Wait Forever: Personal Injury Matters Have Statutes of Limitations
If you’ve been injured by someone else’s negligence in a fall or a car accident, for example, you may well have incurred significant medical expenses, lost wages for a period of time, or even have permanent disabilities that will affect you for the rest of your life. In many cases the negligent party’s insurance company […]

What Do I Do If My Loved One Is Killed In A Car Crash?
The last thing anyone wants to think about is receiving the news that a family member, friend or loved one was killed in a car crash. But car and truck crash deaths are unfortunately common. According to MODOT, between 2016 and 2018, 2,800 people died in crashes on Missouri roadways. Motor vehicle deaths happen, and […]

It’s Not An Accident If It Was Someone’s Fault
For those of you who have seen our new billboard (shout out to our models Ramona and Pecher), you have probably seen the phrase “It’s not an accident, if it was someone’s fault.” Why did we choose that phrase? Because so often at our firm and in our day to day lives, we encounter people […]

What’s My Car Accident Injury Worth?
This is often the first question someone will ask when they have a consultation with one of our attorneys at Marler Law Partners about a personal injury car accident claim. The short answer is: It’s complicated. However, there are several factors insurance companies will consider that you should keep in mind before giving an attorney a call. Who Caused The Accident / Who Was At Fault? An insurance company will only […]

Insurance Claims: Should You Give a Recorded Statement to the Insurance Company?
If you’ve ever been in a car accident or had to file a claim with an insurance company, chances are you’ve been asked to give a recorded statement to an adjuster. Before you give a statement, there are some things you will want to consider: Is the claim more likely to be against you or […]

But I don’t want to sue my friend…
Last week, I was having a conversation with a friend about someone who had lost a family in a single vehicle crash. Although the driver survived, the passenger was killed. The driver and passenger, as well as their families, were all close friends. I suggested to my friend that the passenger’s family file a claim […]