Family Law

Second Parent Adoption in Same Sex Marriages
Second Parent Adoption explained If you are confused by the term second parent adoption, you are not alone. Many find this term not only confusing but outdated as well as outright discriminatory. However, before we get into all the details we need to first define “second parent adoption.” A second parent adoption is a legal […]

How Domestic Violence Impacts Divorce
Domestic Violence explained Domestic Violence is an unfortunate reality which many women and men face throughout the country. Domestic violence, contrary to popular notion, can be physical, verbal, mental and/or emotional. Missouri’s definition of domestic violence is widely encompassing, as domestic violence, under Missouri law, can consist of assault, abuse, threat of abuse etc. How […]

What To Do If Your Spouse Accuses You Of Marital Rape
Marital Rape is a nationwide problem. According to one report, between 10-14% of married women will experience rape from their spouse. While laws recognizing rape as a crime have been around for millennia, marital rape has only been recognized as a criminal category in its own respect very recently. Marital rape might be a confusing […]

Same-Sex Divorce: What You Need To Know
In July 2015, the United States Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. Prior to this ruling, each state was essentially free to decide whether to legalize same-sex marriage or not. This caused a lot of confusion to say the least, as a same-sex couple could have been recognized as being a married couple in one […]

An Overview of Legal Guardianship in Missouri
Do you have a nephew or a granddaughter whose parents are no longer able to take care of them? Oftentimes the parents of the child might be unable or unwilling to take care of their child. In such situations a guardianship option is provided by the law to ensure that the minor child is looked […]

Child Custody and Divorce: What You Should Know
Child custody is an issue on the minds of millions of Americans, across the country. There are currently 750,000 divorces in the US, every year! Missouri has not been excluded from this divorce epidemic, ranking 31 in a 2019 list of states with the highest divorce rates. What is even more surprising is that divorce […]

Are Objections to Relocation Effective?
For the past couple of years, a combination of factors has worked to make our society increasingly mobile, including lingering concerns about the pandemic, a desire to escape higher living costs, and the availability of more remote working opportunities. In the first few months of 2021 alone, more than one in 10 Americans relocated, either […]

Top 5 Things to Know When Considering Divorce
The decision to end a marriage is highly personal and never made easily. But if you have concluded that divorce is the only option, here are five important things to consider as you navigate Missouri’s process for “dissolution of marriage,” the state’s legal term for divorce. 1) Where Do I File for Divorce? To file […]

Are Pre- and Post-Nuptial Agreements Effective?
You and your fiancé have discussed it and decided that to protect both your interests when you get married, you will draft a pre-nuptial agreement. Although it may not be as fun or as romantic as shopping for wedding dresses or writing your wedding vows, a prenup is still an integral part of planning your […]

How to Legally Change Your Name and Avoid Complications After You Do
Changing your name legally is a straightforward process that will probably be approved by the court, if you follow the procedures and understand what is allowed and what isn’t. However, the change itself is just the beginning of a process. You will need to notify a number of governmental and non-governmental entities to ensure you […]